Cliff and Mountaintop Proposal in Big Sur

Finally, I’m back photographing proposals in Big Sur after the long closure!

Damn, it felt good to photograph my first proposal back since the start of the pandemic. Big Sur has been closed for MONTHS, and Q proposed just days after it reopened (keep up to date on COVID-19 closures here). It was so cool to see the way the wilderness took over. Stinging nettles kept pricking me as the path was completely overgrown. It was hard to see the entrance to the path itself because it had been consumed again by the wild. Bunnies scurried past us on every corner. Oh, and we were blissfully alone…on a weekend, in Big Sur, in June. Nuts. Q + R live in SF (Q is originally from France), and were just down for the day since sadly, but understandably the fab inns we all miss are still closed down here. I have a feeling I will be seeing lots of roadtrippers from LA and SF this year. I won’t soon forget the way Q couldn’t stop stealing kisses from R, even when I had my camera down, and the funny eagle/titanic soaring thing they kept doing with their arms, which ended up being some of my fave carefree pics from the shoot. Feel so good to be back shooting again, although the mask kind of drives me crazy it makes me happy to be doing my part to keep them extra safe. Thankful I am able to work outside, in nature, doing what I love. Congratulations, Q + R.






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